Celebrating 60 Years of Credentialing Neuro Professionals


NA-CLTM Practice

Practice with Persyst 

Persyst Mobile Guide - This guide explains the process candidates should use for accessing and manipulating the EEG Patterns associated with the sample questions listed.

Persyst Login for Practice and Samples: https://eegserver.persyst.com/PersystMobile/

Username: abret     Password: exam2021

Sample Pattern 1 - History & Questions

Sample Pattern 2 - History & Questions

Sample Pattern 3 - History & Questions


What to Expect on Exam Day


Please bring a government-issued ID card (driver's license, passport). This will be required in order to check-in for your examination.

ABRET will provide:

  • 1 laptop
  • 1 monitor (separate from laptop screen)
  • Mouse
  • Whiteboard with marker and eraser

Bags, phones, and any other personal items will be kept by a proctor at the back of the exam room until you have completed your examination.

Specific location information will be sent to candidates via email prior to the examination.


Examination Rules