Celebrating 60 Years of Credentialing Neuro Professionals




 Public statement from the ABRET Executive Office | NA-CLTM exam


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2025 Examination Dates/Locations

April 27, 2025
Bloomington, MN
CSET Annual Conference

October 19, 2025
Myrtle Beach, SC
SSET Annual Conference

Complete your application at the bottom of this page.

The candidate must have reviewed the long-term EEG and created the technical report. Technical report criteria must include display settings and an EEG description, must cover a minimum of one 12-hour period, and be written per the 2021 ACNS Terminology, the 2015 ACNS Consensus Statement on Continuous EEG in Critically Ill Adults and Children (Click Here – Consensus Statement), and per ILAE Seizure Classifications (Click Here - ILAE).   

NA-CLTM Sample Reports

(1) Documentation of 50 LTM cases must be submitted with the application. The cases must represent unique EEG recording sessions (can be either 1 Daily report within a multi-day recording session or can be 1 summary report of a multi-day recording session; cannot be 3 Daily reports for one patient recording). A documentation form is available on the ABRET website under NeuroAnalyst-CLTM Eligibility Requirements.

(2) 50 cases must have been recorded and reviewed within the last 5 years and are only counted after the candidate has obtained his/her CLTM. Patients must be age 1 year or older at the time of recording.

(3) Documentation forms will be randomly audited. Incomplete or incorrect information may delay or negate eligibility.

(4) *Advanced Practice LTM CEU’s must be acquired within 5 years of taking the NA-CLTM exam (ASET, ACNS, AES, etc.). No more than half of the total required CEU’s can be from in-house review sessions verified through completion of the NA-CLTM Advanced Credential CEU Completion Form.

(5) After 3 unsuccessful attempts to pass the examination, the candidate will need to wait 6 months and submit 10 advanced practice CEUs.

(6) The NA-CLTMcredential is awarded for five years.