Celebrating 60 Years of Credentialing Neuro Professionals


Former Lifetime Credentials Due by 12/31/2023

2023 is here, which means those former lifetime credentials are set to recertify. Do you have questions about the recertification process? Don't worry, we're here to help! Below are the most frequent questions that the ABRET office receives from those recertifying. If you do not see your question answered below, please contact the executive office at (217) 726-7980. Any one of our friendly staff members would be happy to assist you.

To complete your recertification, log in to Certemy.

Yes! You may submit your recertification anytime this year. We recommend getting yours in early. With over 1,400 recertifications due in 2023, the end of the year can be very busy, which could result in short delays.

All recertifications need to be completed online.

A Certemy account has already been created for you. If you have not logged in since November 2020, please call the ABRET office to update your email address and access your free account at (217) 726-7980.

No! It is up to you to obtain a copy of your transcript. That copy will then need to be uploaded to your ABRET Certemy account. Please contact ASET with any questions regarding your transcript.

Absolutely. If you wish to transfer your credential to Emeritus status, please email daniel@abret.org, or call (217) 726-7987.

What is Emeritus status? (page 6)

If this message appears when trying to log in, we most likely do not have a valid email address on file for you.

Please call (217) 726-7980 and an ABRET staff member can update this information for you.

You will need 30 CEUs per credential. Those CEUs may have been earned anytime between August 1, 2017 - December 31, 2023.