Celebrating 60 Years of Credentialing Neuro Professionals


ABRET NIOM Lab Accreditation


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The ABRET Board of Directors voted to expand the current Laboratory Accreditation Program to accredit NIOM Programs. The accreditation process will review and accredit NIOM labs meeting technical standards and demonstrating quality. Evaluation will focus on standards, policies and lab management.

ABRET has a 50 year history of credentialing technologists and evaluating competency.

Benefits of LAB-NIOM Accreditation

Objective verification of quality & Independent review of procedures will enhance the program’s Credibility, Integrity and Reputation.

A certificate of accreditation will identify the lab’s status to colleagues and patients.

LAB-NIOM Purpose

The purpose of the Laboratory Accreditation Board of ABRET, in accordance with ABRET’s mission statement, is to recognize through an objective peer review process, Neurophysiologic Intraoperative Monitoring (NIOM) Laboratories that:

  • Comply with established standards and guidelines
  • Have polices and procedures in place that meet its standards of care; and
  • Support professionalism and quality patient care