This exam is for the advanced level CLTM technologist. The role of someone attaining this credential is envisioned as that of a physician extender. This person could also serve in a position of leadership specific to the provision of EEG and LTM monitoring, review, and/or report writing. Another role for a person with this credential may be oversight of quality for EEG and LTM performance and review. A group of individuals with this credential may be considered as the advanced practice group on a team, assigned to provide monitoring and/or oversight of high acuity/high difficulty monitoring cases. These are just a few examples of the type of role that could be filled by someone with this credential. Essentially, a technologist in this position would review standard and long-term EEG recordings and provide high-level preliminary written reports detailing the findings utilizing standardized terminology. Of course, reports completed by those attaining the NA-CLTM can also serve as the Technical Summary reports required for billing of long-term EEG recordings as a part of the 2020 CPT coding guidelines.
No. To be eligible, you would need access to recently completed LTM studies meeting the eligibility criteria (recorded within the correct time period, greater than 12 hours of recording, etc.). You would then perform a retrospective review and create an Analyst report of these studies. You must have your Medical Director or ABRET Credentialed Supervisor sign on your log forms that you did in fact complete reports and review of these LTM studies, and that they recommend you as a candidate for the NeuroAnalyst-CLTM Exam. (See NeuroAnalyst Documentation Form)
I do not write technical reports per our facility protocol, does that make me ineligible to sign up?
No. You would need access to recently completed LTM studies meeting the eligibility criteria (greater than 12 hours of recording, etc.). You would then perform a retrospective review and create an Analyst report of these studies. You must have your Medical Director or ABRET Credentialed Supervisor sign on your log forms that you did in fact complete reports on these LTM studies, and that they recommend you as a candidate for the NeuroAnalyst-CLTM Exam.
12 Hours is the minimum total recording length that can be used. If the record is less than 12 hours, you cannot use this as a case on the documentation form.
There is a list of acceptable AP CEUs on the first page of the Advanced Practice LTM CEU Qualifications Document. This will be updated regularly. If you have questions, please contact ABRET directly.
There is a list of acceptable AP-CEUs available here. These will be updated regularly.
In-house or remote, live physician review of 30-minute and 2-hour EEGs is acceptable to qualify for the In-house EEG Record Review Attestation Form for AP - CEUs. This type of AP-CEUs may be used to make up no more than half of your AP-CEUs. You are not required to have any of these specific types of AP-CEUs.
The exam is in person with ABRET proctoring to allow for standardization in computer setup (laptop, extra computer monitor, screen resolution, mouse, etc.) and overall experience. Another reason for this is that the samples utilized for this exam are available to you as live, reviewable, and changeable (in terms of sensitivity, montage, etc.) EEG clips, placed in Persyst for standardization. Due to the complexity of offering one exam utilizing two exam platforms simultaneously, all exams are proctored by ABRET in person.
ABRET has a "Practice with Persyst" page on the ABRET website. There you will find login information as well as a guide on how to access and navigate Persyst Mobile so you know what to expect on exam day.
All initial exam questions utilize the 2021 ACNS Terminology as of January 2023.
The supervisor can hold ANY ABRET credential as long as it is active. The actual title of the supervisor can vary, for example, this could be a Team Leader, Lead Tech, Coordinator, Clinical Educator, etc.
The minimum requirements for NeuroAnalyst-CLTM candidate LTM reports follow ACNS Guideline 7 for EEG Reporting, inclusive of the following sections:
- History (Required)
- Technical Description (Required)
- EEG Description utilizing either ACNS 2012 or 2021 Critical Care Terminology and 2017 ILAE Seizure Classifications (Required)
- Impression (May be Optionally Included if this is the Facility Protocol)
- Clinical Correlation (May be Optionally Included if this is the Facility Protocol)
ACNS Guideline 7 for EEG Reporting is available on the ACNS website, here.
For more information, please see the section on NA-CLTM Report Requirements, which includes sample reports.
UNOFFICIAL test results will come from ABRET within 72 hours of completing your in-person exam. Approximately 2-4 weeks following the examination, candidates will receive an email when the OFFICIAL test result has been uploaded into their ABRET Credential Management account.
NA-CLTM will replace the CLTM credential. You will not use both in your signature line.
Example: Jane Neuro, R. EEG T., NA-CLTM
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Posted: February 01, 2023
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