Celebrating 60 Years of Credentialing Neuro Professionals


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First Name
Last Name
Cert #

Name - First (Maiden) Last Credential Cert Number Issue Date Expiration Date
Amanda Williams R. EEG T. 7055 02/26/2019 12/31/2029
Danele Williams CNIM 4326 03/30/2019 12/31/2029
Travis Williams R. EP T. 1509 04/25/2019 12/31/2029
Mil'Tonique Williams CNIM 4447 08/31/2019 12/31/2024
Ciara Williams R. EEG T. 7268 08/17/2019 12/31/2029
Steven Williams CNIM 4543 12/31/2019 12/31/2029
Renata Williams CLTM 495 08/27/2020 12/31/2025
Latonya Williams R. EEG T. 7836 01/19/2021 12/31/2026
Lauren (Shelton) Williams R. EEG T. 7976 05/28/2021 12/31/2026
Jessica Williams R. EEG T. 8162 11/02/2021 12/31/2026
Lashunda Williams R. EEG T. 8206 12/04/2021 12/31/2026
Michelle (Drummonds) Williams NA-CLTM 23 04/24/2022 12/31/2027
Ashley Williams R. EEG T. 8560 09/26/2022 12/31/2027
Jessica Williams CLTM 709 03/27/2023 12/31/2028
Renata Williams NA-CLTM 32 04/23/2023 12/31/2028
Alexandra Williams R. EEG T. 8885 09/14/2023 12/31/2028
Monica Williams R. EEG T. 8897 09/23/2023 12/31/2028
Herlena Williams R. EEG T. 8935 11/17/2023 12/31/2028
Travis Williams CNIM 5538 04/22/2024 12/31/2029
Hayley Williams R. EEG T. 9046 05/01/2024 12/31/2029
Stephen Williams, Jr. R. EEG T. 7365 11/18/2019 12/31/2024
LOUISE WILLIAMSON R. EEG T. 69 10/24/1968 12/31/2023
LAUREL WILLIAMSON R. EEG T. 918 11/11/1979 Emeritus
JANELLE WILLIAMSON R. EEG T. 1173 03/21/1982 12/31/2028
Robin Williamson R. EEG T. 3475 09/13/2001 12/31/2026
18602 Records