Celebrating 60 Years of Credentialing Neuro Professionals


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First Name
Last Name
Cert #

Name - First (Maiden) Last Credential Cert Number Issue Date Expiration Date
Joanna West CNIM 727 05/01/2004 12/31/2019
Annette (Pullen) West CNIM 1081 05/06/2006 12/31/2021
Leslie (Nolan) West R. EP T. 933 04/14/2007 12/31/2027
Matthew West CNIM 3054 09/20/2014 12/31/2024
Megan West R. EEG T. 5540 03/21/2015 12/31/2025
Amber West CNIM 3505 06/18/2016 12/31/2021
Leslie (Nolan) West CLTM 510 10/02/2020 12/31/2025
Lauren West R. EEG T. 8716 02/11/2023 12/31/2028
Shana Westbrook R. EEG T. 6565 04/24/2018 12/31/2028
MINERVA WESTCOTT R. EEG T. 2146 02/16/1991 12/31/2023
CINDI WESTERMAN R. EEG T. 3050 08/16/1997 12/31/2023
Samantha Westfall R. EEG T. 7012 01/18/2019 12/31/2024
David Westfall CNIM 4429 08/26/2019 12/31/2029
A. Sandy Westgate R.NCS.T. 225 01/09/1995 Lifetime
DEBRA WESTHOEK R. EEG T. 2258 10/06/1991 12/31/2023
Carrie Westhoff R. EEG T. 4862 04/14/2012 12/31/2022
Steven Westmeyer R. EP T. 1335 02/16/2013 12/31/2023
Steven Westmeyer CNIM 3154 03/21/2015 12/31/2025
BARBARA WESTMORELAND R. EEG T. 3089 11/01/1997 12/31/2023
Nancy Weston R. EEG T. 3610 02/16/2003 Emeritus
LANA KAY WESTPHAL R. EEG T. 372 07/01/1974 12/31/2023
Kelsey Wettach CNIM 2089 08/15/2010 12/31/2025
JOAN WETZEL R. EEG T. 276 12/03/1972 12/31/2023
Jody Wetzel R. EEG T. 4987 11/13/2012 12/31/2027
Jody Wetzel CLTM 375 10/29/2018 12/31/2028
18636 Records