Celebrating 60 Years of Credentialing Neuro Professionals


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First Name
Last Name
Cert #

Name - First (Maiden) Last Credential Cert Number Issue Date Expiration Date
Rachel Thames R. EEG T. 5602 06/20/2015 12/31/2025
Rachel Thames R. EP T. 1441 03/19/2016 12/31/2026
Rachel Thames CNIM 3546 06/18/2016 12/31/2026
Nkauj Zoua Thao R. EEG T. 7305 10/07/2019 12/31/2024
JENNY (KAISER) THATCHER R. EEG T. 2945 11/10/1996 12/31/2023
Jennifer Thatcher R. EP T. 705 02/13/1999 12/31/2009
Michelle Theis R. EEG T. 3471 08/19/2001 12/31/2026
Matthew Theis R. EEG T. 8334 03/14/2022 12/31/2027
Ana Then R. EEG T. 6735 07/20/2018 12/31/2023
Haley Then R. EEG T. 8845 07/17/2023 12/31/2028
Breyer Thenn R. EEG T. 7317 10/16/2019 12/31/2029
Toth, (Esper) Therese R.NCS.T. 134 01/09/1991 Lifetime
DOROTHY THIBODEAU R. EEG T. 1213 06/27/1982 12/31/2023
Brianna Thibodeau R. EEG T. 5371 06/14/2014 12/31/2029
Angela Thibodeaux R. EEG T. 5830 03/19/2016 12/31/2026
Brooke Thibodeaux CNIM 5254 04/08/2023 12/31/2028
ROBYN THIEL R. EEG T. 335 12/08/1973 12/31/2023
ROBYN THIEL R. EP T. 278 10/20/1990 12/31/2023
Gina Thielet R. EEG T. 8997 02/20/2024 12/31/2029
BRENDA THIENEMAN R. EEG T. 643 06/20/1977 12/31/2023
ANITA THIESSEN R. EP T. 439 09/05/1993 12/31/2023
Kari Thomann R. EEG T. 5454 09/20/2014 12/31/2029
KAREN (PARKOS) THOMAS R. EEG T. 290 03/18/1973 Emeritus
Cathy Thomas R. EEG T. 492 12/06/1975 12/31/2028
MARILYN THOMAS R. EEG T. 1675 12/24/1986 12/31/2023
18628 Records