Celebrating over 55 Years of Credentialing Technologists

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First Name
Last Name
Cert #

Name - First (Maiden) Last Credential Cert Number Issue Date Expiration Date
MARY THOMPSON R. EP T. 522 05/20/1995 12/31/2023
Paul Thompson R. EP T. 840 02/21/2004 Emeritus
Brian Thompson CNIM 936 05/07/2005 12/31/2015
Sean Thompson R. EEG T. 4995 12/15/2012 12/31/2027
Zachary Thompson R. EEG T. 4379 08/08/2009 12/31/2024
Ann Thompson R. EEG T. 3237 02/13/1999 12/31/2019
Paul Thompson CLTM 93 10/17/2009 Emeritus
Kelsey (Lawson) Thompson R. EEG T. 4718 06/25/2011 12/31/2026
Tommy Thompson CNIM 2338 03/10/2012 12/31/2022
Zachary Thompson CNIM 2339 03/10/2012 12/31/2027
April (Robertson) Thompson CNIM 2585 02/16/2013 12/31/2018
Rodney Thompson CNIM 2747 06/15/2013 12/31/2028
Nicole Thompson R. EEG T. 5820 03/19/2016 12/31/2021
Kelsey (Lawson) Thompson CNIM 3383 03/19/2016 12/31/2026
Zachary Thompson CLTM 299 10/29/2016 12/31/2026
Jessie Thompson CNIM 3854 08/10/2017 12/31/2027
Johnny Thompson R. EEG T. 6322 11/20/2017 12/31/2027
Johnny Thompson R. EP T. 1489 04/30/2018 12/31/2028
Michael Thompson R. EEG T. 6799 09/08/2018 12/31/2028
Veronica Thompson R. EEG T. 6905 11/07/2018 12/31/2028
Johnny Thompson CNIM 4333 04/08/2019 12/31/2024
Sean Thompson CLTM 405 05/28/2019 12/31/2029
Elizabeth Thompson R. EEG T. 7144 05/17/2019 12/31/2024
Lena Thompson CNIM 4515 12/10/2019 12/31/2024
Roy Thompson R. EEG T. 7419 12/17/2019 12/31/2024
18086 Records