Celebrating 60 Years of Credentialing Neuro Professionals


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First Name
Last Name
Cert #

Name - First (Maiden) Last Credential Cert Number Issue Date Expiration Date
BEVERLY STEWART R. EEG T. 180 05/30/1971 12/31/2023
DONALD STEWART R. EEG T. 902 09/23/1979 12/31/2023
JOHN STEWART R. EEG T. 1567 10/13/1985 12/31/2023
Cynthia Stewart R. EEG T. 1790 02/21/1988 12/31/2028
MICHELLE STEWART R. EEG T. 2091 09/15/1990 12/31/2028
Larry Stewart R. EEG T. 3328 02/26/2000 12/31/2025
Sheila (Gumm, Garmon) Stewart R. EEG T. 3349 06/10/2000 12/31/2025
MICHELLE STEWART R. EP T. 474 03/06/1994 12/31/2028
Cynthia Stewart CNIM 574 10/05/2002 12/31/2027
Tara Stewart CNIM 1157 10/07/2006 12/31/2026
Stephanie (Vasquez) Stewart CNIM 1772 03/14/2009 12/31/2029
Cindy Stewart R. EEG T. 4399 10/15/2009 12/31/2024
Matthew Stewart R. EEG T. 4463 02/07/2010 12/31/2025
Tara Stewart R. EEG T. 4617 12/07/2010 12/31/2025
Tara Stewart CLTM 165 11/10/2012 12/31/2027
Andrew Stewart CNIM 2746 06/15/2013 12/31/2028
John Stewart CNIM 3578 06/18/2016 12/31/2026
Alexander Stewart CNIM 3882 09/07/2017 12/31/2027
Stacey (Darnley) Stewart CNIM 3920 10/12/2017 12/31/2027
Leah Stewart R. EEG T. 6866 10/31/2018 12/31/2028
Nicole Stewart CNIM 4288 02/22/2019 12/31/2029
Danielle Stewart CNIM 4446 08/30/2019 12/31/2029
Rachael Stewart R. EEG T. 8224 12/11/2021 12/31/2026
Gloria Stewart R. EEG T. 8894 09/21/2023 12/31/2028
Leah Stewart CLTM 752 12/02/2023 12/31/2028
18602 Records