Celebrating over 55 Years of Credentialing Technologists

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First Name
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Cert #

Name - First (Maiden) Last Credential Cert Number Issue Date Expiration Date
PAMELA SINCLAIR R. EEG T. 1315 05/11/1983 12/31/2023
Harsha Sindhu R. EP T. 646 08/16/1997 12/31/2028
Harsha Sindhu R. EEG T. 2980 02/15/1997 12/31/2028
Harsha Sindhu CNIM 928 05/07/2005 12/31/2025
Harsha Sindhu CLTM 52 10/18/2008 12/31/2028
Ram Sindhu R. EP T. 1106 08/15/2010 04/30/2021
Ram Sindhu R. EEG T. 4691 05/01/2011 12/31/2021
ROCHELE (WASHINGTON) SINER R. EEG T. 159 01/17/1971 12/31/2023
Joshua Singer CNIM 2566 08/11/2012 12/31/2022
Nancy Singer R. EEG T. 4170 03/21/2008 12/31/2023
Nirmal Singh CNIM 929 05/07/2005 12/31/2025
Nicole (Stevens) Singh R. EEG T. 5032 04/13/2013 12/31/2028
Utkarsh Singh CNIM 4152 08/23/2018 12/31/2023
Tejinder Singh R. EEG T. 7135 05/13/2019 12/31/2029
Nicole (Stevens) Singh CLTM 535 01/26/2021 12/31/2026
Jasreen Singh CNIM 5267 04/22/2023 12/31/2028
Deena Singletary R. EEG T. 1998 03/31/1990 12/31/2023
Deena Singletary CNIM 1305 05/19/2007 12/31/2022
Lynda Singleton R. EEG T. 3049 08/16/1997 12/31/2023
Breanna Singleton CNIM 3993 02/13/2018 12/31/2028
Hyacinth Diane Singson CNIM 1306 05/19/2007 12/31/2027
Carlo Singson CNIM 2425 03/10/2012 12/31/2027
Hyacinth Diane Singson R. EP T. 1439 03/19/2016 12/31/2021
Hyacinth Diane Singson R. EEG T. 7878 03/07/2021 12/31/2026
SUZANNE SINNOTT R. EEG T. 2362 06/27/1992 12/31/2023
18086 Records