Celebrating over 55 Years of Credentialing Technologists

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First Name
Last Name
Cert #

Name - First (Maiden) Last Credential Cert Number Issue Date Expiration Date
Willie Seals R. EEG T. 4563 07/18/2010 04/30/2021
Karen Seals R. EEG T. 6608 05/23/2018 12/31/2028
Ataee, Sean R.NCS.T. 699 01/10/2006 Lifetime
Cahill, Sean R.NCS.T. 855 06/26/2010 06/26/2015
Thompson, Sean D. R.NCS.T. 765 11/30/2007 Lifetime
Christina Search R. EEG T. 5868 06/18/2016 12/31/2026
Christina Search CLTM 594 12/02/2021 12/31/2026
SHARON SEARS R. EEG T. 1437 08/25/1984 12/31/2023
Amy (Fulcher) Seaton R. EEG T. 2610 03/06/1994 12/31/2023
Lisa Seay R. EEG T. 4799 02/25/2012 12/31/2027
Christina Sebastiani CNIM 1005 10/01/2005 12/31/2025
Wendy (Sampson) Sebetka R. EEG T. 3292 11/06/1999 12/31/2024
Wendy (Sampson) Sebetka R.NCS.T. 425 09/01/2000 Lifetime
David Sebrell R. EEG T. 6069 10/29/2016 12/31/2026
Adam J. Secor CNIM 501 05/04/2002 12/31/2027
Jackson Secor R. EEG T. 7235 07/31/2019 12/31/2024
Maximo Seda-Flores R. EEG T. 4522 05/07/2010 04/30/2021
Kelly Sedar R. EEG T. 7274 08/24/2019 12/31/2024
DOROTHY SEE R. EEG T. 642 06/20/1977 12/31/2023
Angeline Seeley R. EEG T. 3357 06/11/2000 12/31/2010
Angeline Seeley R. EEG T. 7570 07/10/2020 12/31/2025
Angeline Seeley R.NCS.T. 612 01/11/2004 Lifetime
RAYMA SEELOW R. EEG T. 3063 08/17/1997 12/31/2023
BARBARA SEERLEY R. EP T. 160 09/04/1988 12/31/2023
Shawn Seery CNIM 2288 08/13/2011 12/31/2026
18086 Records