Celebrating 60 Years of Credentialing Neuro Professionals


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First Name
Last Name
Cert #

Name - First (Maiden) Last Credential Cert Number Issue Date Expiration Date
Sarah Reppe R. EP T. 1326 02/16/2013 12/31/2028
Sarah Reppe CNIM 3356 10/31/2015 12/31/2025
Camryn Resele CNIM 5072 08/19/2022 12/31/2027
Ethan Resetar CNIM 5193 01/20/2023 12/31/2028
Alicia Resseguie R. EEG T. 5529 03/21/2015 04/30/2021
Claudia Restea R. EEG T. 4186 04/26/2008 12/31/2028
Annlisa Rethwisch R. EEG T. 4474 02/07/2010 04/30/2021
GERRIE RETMAN R. EEG T. 935 03/09/1980 12/31/2023
SUSAN RETZKE R. EEG T. 1084 06/13/1981 12/31/2023
Jill Reumann R. EEG T. 4928 08/05/2012 12/31/2027
Jill Reumann R. EP T. 1327 02/16/2013 12/31/2028
LAWRENCE REUSS R. EEG T. 3453 07/20/2001 12/31/2028
Jasmine Reuter R. EEG T. 6756 08/09/2018 12/31/2028
Serhiy Reva CNIM 2643 02/16/2013 12/31/2028
Margaret Reveler R. EEG T. 3478 10/30/2001 12/31/2011
Leslie (Trimby) Reveles CNIM 788 05/01/2004 12/31/2029
Leslie (Trimby) Reveles R. EEG T. 2877 05/18/1996 12/31/2028
Leslie (Trimby) Reveles R. EP T. 882 07/24/2005 12/31/2025
Johannah Revelle CNIM 1084 05/06/2006 12/31/2026
Johannah Revelle R. EP T. 1034 03/13/2010 12/31/2025
Rosario Revilla R. EEG T. 5826 03/19/2016 12/31/2026
Elvira Reyes R. EP T. 987 04/18/2009 12/31/2024
Elvira Reyes CNIM 1989 08/15/2010 12/31/2025
Jacquelyne Reyes R. EEG T. 6459 03/14/2018 12/31/2028
Fabian Reyes R. EEG T. 6699 07/02/2018 12/31/2023
18628 Records