Celebrating 60 Years of Credentialing Neuro Professionals


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First Name
Last Name
Cert #

Name - First (Maiden) Last Credential Cert Number Issue Date Expiration Date
Stephanie Miller R. EEG T. 3409 01/27/2001 12/31/2026
JENNIFER MILLER R. EP T. 174 02/18/1989 12/31/2023
MICHAEL MILLER R. EP T. 463 03/05/1994 12/31/2023
Tina Miller R. EEG T. 4121 10/13/2007 12/31/2027
Michelle (Campbell) Miller CNIM 529 10/05/2002 12/31/2012
Cynthia Miller CNIM 840 10/02/2004 12/31/2029
Amanda Kay Miller CNIM 995 10/01/2005 12/31/2015
Phillip Miller CNIM 996 10/01/2005 12/31/2015
Dery Miller CNIM 1730 03/14/2009 12/31/2014
Jean Miller CNIM 1731 03/14/2009 12/31/2024
Sara Miller R. EEG T. 4319 04/18/2009 12/31/2019
Lesley Miller R. EEG T. 4390 08/09/2009 12/31/2029
Christine Miller CNIM 1866 08/15/2009 12/31/2024
Tina Miller CNIM 1867 08/15/2009 12/31/2029
Patricia Miller R. EEG T. 4433 11/19/2009 12/31/2029
Patricia Miller R. EP T. 1088 08/15/2010 12/31/2025
Jill Miller CLTM 109 10/16/2010 12/31/2025
Lesley Miller CNIM 2223 08/13/2011 12/31/2026
Pamela Miller CNIM 2224 08/13/2011 12/31/2026
Tina Miller R. EP T. 1235 03/10/2012 12/31/2027
Daniel Miller CNIM 2490 08/11/2012 12/31/2017
Patricia Miller CNIM 2550 08/11/2012 12/31/2027
Kelsey Miller R. EP T. 1282 08/11/2012 12/31/2027
Kelsey Miller R. EEG T. 4966 10/07/2012 12/31/2027
Jordan Miller CNIM 2724 06/15/2013 12/31/2023
18628 Records