Celebrating 60 Years of Credentialing Neuro Professionals


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First Name
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Cert #

Name - First (Maiden) Last Credential Cert Number Issue Date Expiration Date
Gabrielle Amundson CNIM 4597 07/08/2020 12/31/2025
Eman Anani R. EEG T. 8322 03/02/2022 12/31/2027
Eman Anani CNIM 5450 12/05/2023 12/31/2028
Tsvi Ancel R. EEG T. 5147 09/21/2013 12/31/2028
Tsvi Ancel CLTM 471 03/04/2020 12/31/2025
Angela Ancell R. EEG T. 3039 08/16/1997 12/31/2007
Eleanor (Porneso) Ancheta R. EEG T. 3853 04/23/2005 12/31/2025
Apolinario Ancheta R. EP T. 349 02/16/1992 12/31/2023
Apolinario Ancheta CNIM 800 10/02/2004 12/31/2024
Payam Andalib CNIM 1787 08/15/2009 12/31/2029
Lisa (Emde) Andersen R. EEG T. 4237 09/24/2008 12/31/2028
Kendal Andersen R. EEG T. 6917 11/29/2018 12/31/2028
CHRISTINE ANDERSON R. EEG T. 647 11/20/1977 12/31/2023
SANDRA ANDERSON R. EEG T. 846 04/01/1979 12/31/2023
GARY J. ANDERSON R. EEG T. 1234 11/14/1982 12/31/2023
GLEN J. ANDERSON R. EEG T. 1579 02/15/1986 12/31/2023
RONALD ANDERSON R. EEG T. 1580 02/15/1986 12/31/2023
Marianne Anderson R. EEG T. 1970 12/20/1989 12/31/2028
DEBBIE ANDERSON R. EEG T. 2599 03/05/1994 12/31/2023
Nathan Anderson CNIM 1559 08/16/2008 12/31/2028
GARY J. ANDERSON CNIM 1558 08/16/2008 12/31/2023
Amy Anderson R. EEG T. 3387 10/14/2000 12/31/2025
GARY J. ANDERSON R. EP T. 266 06/17/1990 12/31/2023
SANDRA ANDERSON R. EP T. 648 08/17/1997 12/31/2023
Walter Anderson R. EP T. 706 02/14/1999 12/31/2009
18602 Records