Celebrating 60 Years of Credentialing Neuro Professionals


Exam Scoring & Results

Scoring and Examination Results

The passing (cut) scores are not published, as they can vary with the difficulty level of the exam. The Board sets the passing standard as the number of test questions it determines to be necessary for candidates to answer correctly in order to be considered at least minimally competent. This method focuses on the particular test that is being administered. Different forms of an examination are equated for difficulty and content coverage. This comprehensive approach makes use of information about the performance of similar groups in the past.

Scoring is meticulous and time consuming. ABRET is concerned with reporting only valid scores. If a particular item has a low passing rate, it may be evaluated prior to completion of scoring. Reviewing exam statistics and verifying or certifying the key, takes time. Candidates can be assured that their test results are accurate and reliable.

All examinations are scored, validated and scores released at the same time. Therefore, expect your results approximately four weeks following the close of the testing period, not from when you took the examination.

Exam results are released to ABRET at the same time candidates receive their notices. Candidates will be notified by email that their status is available in their Credential Manager account. Log-on to Credential Manager and go to History to view your examination status. A score report, including scores on the major areas of the examination and on the total examination will follow by mail. Candidates may request rescoring of the examination by contacting the Professional Testing Corporation in writing and providing their complete name, address and Social Security number, and stating the reason for the request, name of the examination, and testing date.

Examination results will not be released over the phone, or to third parties.

ABRET reserves the right to cancel any examination scores if, in the sole opinion of ABRET, there is adequate reason to questions its validity.