Celebrating 60 Years of Credentialing Neuro Professionals




ABRET is a nonprofit credentialing board for Electroencephalographic (EEG), Evoked Potential (EP), Neurophysiologic Intraoperative Monitoring (NIOM), Long Term Monitoring (LTM), NeuroAnalysts, Autonomic Testing and Magnetoencephalographic Neuroprofessionals. ABRET seeks to encourage, establish, and maintain the highest standards and principles in carrying out neurodiagnostic testing and analysis. ABRET Registered and Certified Technologists should recognize their responsibilities, not only to their patients, but also to society, to other healthcare professionals, and to themselves.


Globally advancing excellence in neurodiagnostics through accreditation and credentialing.

Mission Statement

Empowering, supporting, and advocating for Neuroprofessionals by:

  • Promoting standardized, relevant competencies through Credentialing and Laboratory Accreditation.
  • Recognizing and valuing entry and ongoing neurodiagnostic education.
  • Enhancing patient care and safety.
  • Elevating the relevance and value of high-quality neurodiagnostic testing.
  • Fostering collaborative partnerships with other professional organizations.


Statement on Impartiality in Testing

ABRET Neurodiagnostic Credentialing & Accreditation

ABRET understands the importance of impartiality in carrying out its certification activities, reviews conflicts of interest, and ensures the objectivity of its certification activities.

Objectivity in Certification

Decisions on eligibility are made according to the eligibility rules and policies. All candidates must meet the same eligibility criteria.

When a petition of eligibility is received, the Programs Manager sends the petition form and supporting documents to the Eligibility Committee for review and a decision.

Credentials are awarded solely on the candidate’s ability to meet and maintain certification requirements, and nothing else.

Objectivity in Administration

All ABRET staff, board members, and subject matter experts must sign a Conflict-of-Interest Statement and a Confidentiality Statement. They agree not to participate in board-prep courses/programs.

The scoring of examinations and notification of results is handled by the Testing Service Provider. The ABRET office staff and board of directors do not score the exams.

Professional educators do not participate in item reviews or exam reviews. They do not have any say in the setting of the cut score.

ABRET staff may not earn ABRET credentials while employed by ABRET.

Commitment to the public

ABRET will guard against any undue influence or pressure, from inside or outside the organization, regarding any certification activities.

ABRET does not receive any financial support from educators, professional trainers, or professional trade organizations.

ABRET will act with public safety in mind when awarding or revoking credentials.


ABRET Examination Policies